Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Police Officer's Love Boobs Too

The Protests in New York have spurred national Protests across the country.  This gives me hope that we are willing to rise up against the powers that be.  Random Thought, Since the Liberal Protesters are angry about the bailouts, and so are the Tea Partiers.  Perhaps everyone should stop ripping each other's throats out, and work together?  

That said, here is a fun loving picture of the NYPD in all it's glory.  ARREST THOSE BOOBS!!!  Now perhaps, I am not giving the NYPD enough credit as this is a still-shot.   For all I know those boobs could have been flopping around and biting people on the necks.  If so, Good Job.  

I'm also in LOVE with the tactical precision of these officers, and teamwork is definitely key here.  On the left we have an officer clearly taking control of the protesters Right boob which is obviously more dangerous than her free hand which has a pen in it.  Luckily, I haven't heard of an officer getting stabbed in the neck with a pen recently, so it was obviously the right call.  On the right, we can't see her arm so I believe the officer might have taken control of that arm, but definitely as we can see, her Left boob is completely arrested.  THANK Our lucky stars!  I thought there was going to be a boob rampage going on there.  

So what are the odds that a 2 police officers arresting the same attractive woman would each pay extra special attention to her boobs at the same time?  "Hey Bill,  What do you say we take the hot one in on the next rile up?  I'll bet we can even get some nipple action.."  "You got it."  

In all seriousness:  This is obviously a Sexual Assult.  There is nothing worse than a cop that uses his badge to force his own sexual desires upon others.   If this picture doesn't anger you, than you might need an apathy check.   If it does, I suggest we demand an investigation. 

If you have a phone, Please feel free to call and demand an investigation into the sexual assult of the protester in this picture.  Feel free to copy it and email it in.   Please feel free to share this request.   Most of us have vocal chords, so out of respect to the people who can't speak, Let's Use THEM!   For that matter, if you truly can't speak, Feel free to write a letter.  You're not excluded. 

Let's Give em Hell!!!
NYPD Switchboard: 1-646-610-5000 Central booking: +1 (212) 374-3921
Deputy Commissioner of Public Information: +1 (646) 610-6700

1st Precinct
Captain Edward J. WinskiCrime Statistics
16 Ericsson Place, New York, NY, 10013
(212) 334-0611

Precinct: (212) 334-0611
Community Affairs: (212) 334-0640
Crime Prevention: (212) 334-0603
Domestic Violence: (212) 334-0618
Youth Officer: (212) 334-0618
Auxiliary Coordinator: (212) 334-0640
Detective Squad: (212) 334-0635 

Monday, October 3, 2011

Bullying Is A Crime

Most people in the LGBT community have suffered bullying whether as a teenager or as an adult. People don’t hit 21 and automatically grow up. And this week another of our community has been lost to suicide due to bullying, Jamey Rodemeyer, aged 14, from Buffalo NY (This was the first article I read). He isn’t the first this year to take his life and sadly he won’t be the last.

Bullying is exercising hatred, plain and simple.  Obtaining joy out of making someone else's life miserable is sadistic and petty. How does a person's sexuality or lifestyle intrude on the rights of others? Is being gay really that evil? Does being gay really take away from your life in any way, shape, or form? Obviously the answers to those questions are no. So why does being gay suddenly entitle some to act out on their hatred?  It does not. 

Yet it is this hatred, and evil acts to support hatred that makes it seem as if ending one's life might be better than actually living it. When life is so hard that someone is willing to end their own just to get some peace and quiet away from the torture and bigotry, then something is seriously wrong. So many things right now are trying to be done to end the bullying and suffering. Yet it is persisting.  

Golden Rule:  Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. 

The disgusting thing is that in the cases of schools and workplaces, people are aware that bullying goes on. Very often it isn't particularly subtle, with more than one person involved. Yet so few people are willing to do anything about it, from students and co-workers, to teachers and bosses. Some of us fear the repercussions of getting involved, telling ourselves if it's not happening to us, then it's not our problem. Some of us don't care for the simple fact that it's not happening to us. It is because of this attitude that needless deaths occur, whether through suicide or homicide (as I am sure no one has forgotten Columbine.) Both of these extreme actions are taken because no one is there to help a person up when they have been kicked down, instead choosing to stand idly by and do nothing. I don't condone either of these actions. They both destroy many people's lives.

People need to be made accountable for their actions, and understand the full ramifications of their actions, from the bullies to teachers and school boards, along with business establishments where bullying occurs.

We all have the power to end bullying, simply by standing up and saying "NO", even when we are not the oppressed. It is a tragedy that due to deaths like Jamey's that people make people stand up and notice the issues that plague many people, both young and old, everyday.

No matter the manner in which is is carried out BULLYING IS A CRIME. Just because it may not leave a physical mark doesn't mean it's okay or that it doesn't leave someone undamaged.

Say NO! to bullying.
Say NO! to hate.

If you are being bullied or know someone that is being bullied, talk to someone you trust, either a friend, parent, teacher, or anyone you know that will take the time to listen to you.

Also please check out our new resource page here, which we are still in the process of expanding.

Remember, you are not alone.

Note: Thank you to Greg Fisher for his contribution to this article.