Thursday, September 15, 2011

Gays and Lesbians Adopting Children

"LGBT adopting Children??? NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" Did I just quote you? I'm sure you have very good reasons for wanting to keep our most precious assets away from what is clearly a different type of upringing. Or is it?

What do we do when we raise children? Let's see here.

We provide for them. Fed, Roof, Toys, that kind of thing.
We protect them.
We teach them.
We prepare them to be adults themselves.
Most importantly, we love them.

So why then is it so important to make sure that LGBT couples do NOT get children? I think it is the fear of what will happen afterwards. Let's face it. We don't understand Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, or Transgender people. How do we know that they are going to provide a happy healthy home for a child?


What are we afraid of? There are two types of fears here. There are rational fears and irrational fears. The rational fears are easy to discuss because they have substance. The irrational fears are a lot harder to discuss because they are just that; irrational. But I will do my best.

Rational Fears

Fear #1
We are afraid that children will be subjected to people like these in the Seattle LGBT Pride Parade. But lets break it down. First off, the LGBT community is celebrating their sexuality which they can't do openly in public everywhere without a threat assessment. Secondly, each person on this float does not act this way all the time. Thirdly, how many times have you gone to a bar and acted this way in a heterosexual nature?

Which begs the question? You've gone to bar and celebrated before, so do you act that way around your kids? No? Didn't think so.

Fear #2

If Gay people can adopt openly and freely, they are going to molest the children they adopt.
MOLESTATION??? Yeah, that got your attention. This is a very viable fear. Should we keep children away from the LGBT community NOW??? Nope...

Child molestation is not an LGBT problem. Most child molesters do whatever they can to integrate themselves into society by playing the part. They will marry someone of the opposite sex, and do their best to fit in and be a piller of society. Well this is the upper end anyway.

NAMBLA comes to mind here.
What is NAMBLA (North American Man/Boy Love Association)? They are an advocacy group which politicizes the right to pedophilia. They usually have partners that are men because they can't have partners that are boys. NAMBLA also does us a huge favor I would like to point out. Aside from the fact they are morally detestable, they point themselves out. Knowing who they are makes it easy to keep an eye on them. (But still? Man/boy love? Hell no: the boy has no choice in the matter, and therefore no matter how much advocating, I will never sign off on it.)

NAMBLA associates themselves with the gay community. Few in the gay community accept them however, and turn them away more often than not. Still don't understand? In fact, I'll bet your head is spinning. Let's break it down.

I like redheads. I do! A beautiful redheaded woman just drives me wild. I of course think a lot of women are beautiful. Blondes, Brunettes, Asian, Mexican, Black, and I could go on. But for some odd reason, Redheads just make my hormones shoot through the roof. And I also like a certain age. I'm 29 right now, and I prefer 26-31 year olds. I can usually stand my ground quite confidently in front of any woman of any type. Being in the presence of a 28 year old redhead on the other hand would make me studder like boy going through puberty.

That is my type so to speak. Let's take another guy the same age who likes tanned brunette women. They drive him wild. Therefore our sexuality is different, but still socially acceptable as we are both straight.

Everyone has a type. I'm tall dark and handsome, and well, needless to say, quite a few guys have hit on me. Therefore I am their type. Then again, some prefer the pretty boy blonde guys. Others prefer the big bears. These gay guys have a type. Lesbians are the same way. Some prefer model type chicas, and others prefer the butch manly woman.

To be fair, I don't get it? I really don't. When I look at another dude, I don't feel what I feel when I look at a beautiful woman. But that's my sexuality and type. Child molesters have a type too. My type grows with me. In 5 years, my ideal type will grow 5 years in age. A child molester has a specific type that does not grow. For example, one will like boys ages 5-7. LGBT people on the other hand are not child molesters, they are simply Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, or Transgender.


Plain and simple, a lot of kids get adopted out and put into foster care into the hands of child molesters. It's true. Very sad, but true. This is not an LGBT problem. This is a child molester problem. And like I said before, people will pretend to be as normal as possible just to get their hands on a child.

I suggest we put anyone who wants to adopt or care for a child out of the system through what I like to call the Chomo test. It's a very simple test as you just put electrodes over a few key areas on the body, and then show pictures of kids. Cute pics, such as playing in a park, or wrestling. A normal person would think to themselves. "LOL, that's cute." Whereas a child molester would get sexually aroused and then get a big "DENIED" stamp on their application.

So what's the problem? We assume that LGBT people are also child molesters, when we should be checking for child molesters before we give them a child.

Irrational Fears

Fear #3
LGBT adoptive parents will teach kids to be gay!!! Were you taught to be straight?
Being gay is a choice, and their kids will choose to be gay after their parents!!!

I'm actually going to piss a lot of gay people off with my response to this fear. Sometimes being gay is a choice, and sometimes it isn't. Let's start with Not a choice. Some people are born left handed. Sexuality is a chemical reaction from within the body, and so it stands to reason that some people can be born with their sexual polls reversed. Gay people will fight tooth and nail to say that being gay is not a choice. And for good reason too. They entered into a life of ridicule and hatred. Some being kicked out of their homes as teenagers. You think they chose that?

When being gay is a choice? People can turn gay, and my reasoning is pretty simple. I'm straight, and many have tried to turn me gay. They just keep at it and at it and at it and at it... Tired of reading at its? The hope is that if they try hard enough, I will let my inhibitions go and get freaky with em. Some can't respect my sexuality (Most do though), so I therefore must come to the conclusion that some turn gay out of choice.

So? Are gay people born that way or is it a choice? I would say, mostly born with it, and then some it's a choice gained by sexual exploration. But even then? It's their choice right? What difference does it make? And if they did choose to be that way, then a child growing up should be free to make whatever choice they decide to make as well.

Fear #4
Remember Sodam And Gamorah? But of course you do. God came down and destroyed them because they were committing acts of homosexuality. I remember being taught at a very young age that homosexuality would bring about God's WRATH. These cities were destroyed because of it. And so on and so forth.

You know what that tells me? You know that shudder you get when someone of the same gender is eyeballing you with a little smirk? When you get hit on by someone of the same gender. It's a mixture of shock and planning. Of course, the same thing happens when someone of the opposite gender hits on us, but we have no interest. But that's beside the point. The first thought is, Oh dear god, what do I do? The prophet who wrote about Sodam and Gamorah was a homophobe. That's all that tells me. The volcano was going to erupt whether or not gays were having sex. Plain and simple. Cities were destroyed, and a guy fell on his knees and tried to make sense of it. "Why God Why?" How many times have we asked that? He made sense of it by blaming the homosexuals that disgust him.

That's really all that tells me. That a priest of old was scared of gays.

Most irrational fears come out of repulsion. We know what goes on behind the bedroom doors of gay couples. Repulsed? If you are, I wouldn't suggest getting a gay partner.

Fear #2 (We've regressed)
Gay couples adopting gay teens will have gay sex with them!!! HAHA, no. There is no better place for a gay teen to be than in the tutelage of an older gay couple. They can answer all the questions that the kid has. But let's take this irrational fear and break it down.

Gay people are attracted to other people of the same gender so does it stand to reason that they would be attracted to a gay teen of the same gender?

I'm 29 and I know a few 16 year old girls. In fact, I've driven a few around, and other such things... Hmm? I gotta tell ya, I feel paternal around them. I'm more apt to listen to what they have to say and/or offer advice. Seriously, when I'm driving my sister and her friends around, sex doesn't enter my mind. Should it? Am I messed up?

Conservatives should LOVE the idea of LGBT adoption. Millions of Loving Parents who are able to provide good homes are available to foster children who need good homes. That would mean we would stop paying for foster care, and allow adoptive parents to take over the costs of raising a child.

Here are a few statistics to think about

For the State of California:

More than one in three lesbians have given birth and one in six gay men have fathered or adopted a child.

An estimated 65,500 adopted children are living with a lesbian or gay parent.

More than 16,000 adopted children are living with lesbian and gay parents in California, the highest number among the states. [New York is second, with 7042.]

Gay and lesbian parents are raising four percent of all adopted children in the United States.

Same-sex couples raising adopted children are older, more educated, and have more economic resources than other adoptive parents.

Adopted children with same-sex parents are younger and more likely to be foreign born.

An estimated 14,100 foster children are living with lesbian or gay parents.

Gay and lesbian parents are raising three percent of foster children in the United States.

National tidbit.

A national ban on GLB foster care could cost from $87 to $130 million.

Costs to individual states could range from $100,000 to $27 million.

By Greg Fisher


  1. Interesting fact about turning people gay... people can't be turned gay. If they choose to without warning have a relationship with the same sex, chances are they were at the least latently bisexual and didn't know it or they were deeply in the closet.

  2. The rest of the article is awesome ;)

  3. Thank You. I know that a lot of gay people fight tooth and nail to say that being gay is not a choice, and that's the way they were born. This is all well and good, and I even believe that people are born gay.

    I also believe that with so many gay men trying to turn me gay, that if they believe it can be done then some people have had to make that choice.

    On that note, what does it matter if it's a choice or not? It's their choice to make if it is a choice, and i see nothing wrong with that choice.

    If that's how they are born, then so be it. Some people are born left handed, so it stands to reason that some people are born gay.

    All in all, I think the argument at all is pointless and benign. Religious people hang to their guns that it's a choice, and LGBT people hang to their guns that it is not a choice. What difference does it make really?

    I personally think the better argument is that it's a choice. Because if it's a choice, than it's the gay person's choice to make, and therefore the religious person has no right making those choices for them as we live in a free country. So as far as law goes, if it is a choice, then in a free country it's nobody's choice to make but the person at hand. Therefore equal rights must be demanded.

    I know I'm off the norm on that one. But seriously. I don't need anyone choosing for me who to marry, who to love, or what underwear I wear. I can make those choices myself. As far as how we're born, I should be accepted that way as well.

  4. People in general are weird in that they want what they don't have. I have people try and convince me that I am not what I am in order to get in my pants... it never works. But they try.

    I do wholeheartedly agree with you that we make our own choices and that no one has the right to take those choices away from us, as long as we aren't hurting anyone else.

    Being LBGT has never actually hurt any right-wing religious nuts. Our existence doesn't affect their lives. They're just stupid enough to consume themselves with hate over something they really have no comprehension of nor care to.
